4 Big Takeaways From My Chat With J.R Alexander —

Patrick Parents
3 min readMay 22, 2021

This past Wednesday, I had the cool opportunity to chat it up with Senior Transportation Planner, and bus fan J.R Alexander. He’s currently on the west coast having worked with some of the biggest transportation companies the PST time zone can offer, including Apple! (Side note: who would have known that Apple has a mini transit system, how cool is that!)

Anywho we spent about an hour talking on the clubhouse app about the love-hate relationship between bus operators and planners. As a 10-year veteran operator with more than a few opinions about planners I was super excited for our conversation, and it didn’t disappoint.

Here are four of my biggest takeaways from that conversation

Planners take late buses personally, too.

This one was really cool because as operators we tend to believe the planners just make the schedule and put it out. During this segment, he was able to share some things about the planning process and just how serious some planners take their schedules.

Contrary to popular belief transit planners do not design schedules to be late. Some of them actually take it personally when a schedule they are responsible for underperforms.

Operators have no idea how manpower issues and shortages impact what planners have to do.

