How Frontline Transit Operators Can Avoid Covid-19

Patrick Parents
5 min readJul 8, 2020

As a Bus Driver You Can Feel Like A Sitting Duck. Here’s What You Can Do To Help Reduce Your Chance Of Getting Covid-19 At Work

Transit Operators have always been the underappreciated heroes of the workforce. You get most of the blame when something goes wrong while never receiving some of the praise when things go right.

Come to think of it we can’t recall the last time we’ve seen any sort of transit-related incentive similar to the ones we see for nurses, first responders, and veterans.

Its a tough gig and Coronavirus didn’t make it any better

Transit works were one of the leaders in Covid related deaths by industry. New York alone lost nearly 200 drivers.

With most transit agencies set to presume normal farebox procedures in the coming weeks, here is how air can help reduce your risk as an operator.

Open All Of Your Windows, Including Your Emergency Hatch As Well As Drivers Side.

How One Man Spread The Virus To 9 Other Passengers.

As time would go on, as a nation we would begin to understand that Covid-19’s primary way of travel would be by way of airborne droplets, not surface contact as we initially presumed.

